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ISOISO 7638-2:2018This part of ISO 7638 gives the dimensions of, and specifies the contact allocation and tests and test requirements for, connectors for the electrical connection of the braking systems and running gear of towing and towed vehicles with 12 V nominal supply voltage. In addition, it specifies a park socket used to receive and store the plug when disconnected.0 6565RUB65RUB
ISO 7638-2:2018 в Лениногорске
This part of ISO 7638 gives the dimensions of, and specifies the contact allocation and tests and test requirements for, connectors for the electrical connection of the braking systems and running gear of towing and towed vehicles with 12 V nominal supply voltage. In addition, it specifies a park socket used to receive and store the plug when disconnected.
Обзор самодельного стенда для проверки электропроводки на прицепе, фаркопе.
Обзор самодельного стенда для проверки электропроводки на прицепе, фаркопе.Обзор самодельного стенда для проверки электропроводки на прицепе, фаркопе.
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